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All About Me - My Favourite Things

All About Me - My Favourite Things

EYFS/KS1/KS2 Editable All About Me / My Favourite Things sheet. Perfect for the first couple of days back after the summer holidays or for end of year transition! Includes blank page for pictures / doodles and lined page for writing. Space for children to record favourite: *Food *Drink *Toy *Colour *Game *Animal *Friends
Matching Animals and Their Young

Matching Animals and Their Young

EYFS / KS1 A set of differentiated activities for matching animals and their young. (Farm animal theme) Includes: *A cut and stick matching activity for 6 farm yard animals and their young *A writing frame for identifying 6 farm yard animals and their young
Behaviour for Learning / Successful Learner Talk Frames

Behaviour for Learning / Successful Learner Talk Frames

EYFS/KS1/KS2 Editable speech bubble display posters. A set of nine, editable speech bubbles with talk frames to encourage children to reflect on their learning. Perfect for: *Plenaries / mini-plenaries *Circle time *Reflecting on work *Having around Interactive Whiteboard to prompt children to speak in full sentences